Cynthia De Leon is a recent graduate from Centre College with a degree in Biology and hope to further her career in healthcare as a Physician Assistant (PA). She currently work in an orthopedic surgery center and an MRI department and am often faced with the challenge of communicating with patients who speak Spanish.
In this Q&A she shares her experience of using CanopyLearn (Click here to learn more.)
Why Canopy?
As someone who grew up speaking and understanding Spanish fairly well, conversational Spanish has always been my strong suite, however, as I began working in healthcare which included treating Spanish speaking patients in my community, I realized how much Spanish medical terminology I lacked which made it difficult for me to communicate effectively with my patients. That is one of the primary reasons why I began to look into CanopyLearn.
What other features did you like?
The telenovela series is a great addition to the course and I definitely believe it provides beneficial information for students. It was a nice change of pace to watch and I appreciated how each section of the telenovela related to the topics covered in a particular lesson. It offers students the ability to observe the information being taught in context.
The self-recording sections at the end of lessons was especially useful for me to practice saying the information I was reading and hearing out loud. This is particularly helpful with pronunciation because vowel sounds and accent marks in Spanish can be especially challenging for someone who is not accustomed to that.
How was your experience learning with Canopy?
Overall, a really great program that is structured well and covers very important aspects of healthcare. The increasing level of difficulty in terms of the questions asked throughout the prep work and terminology levels out really well. As the terminology and grammar became increasingly difficult I appreciated the challenges the questions provided me. Also, it is very important for future medical professionals to understand that the lives and cultural influences of each of their patients may vary and I think that Canopy did a really good job at taking the time to address these topics including common misconceptions that may be made.
Any additional comments?
I believe that CanopyLearn will be beneficial for all parties involved. I hope that any one who decides to take part in this course in the future greatly benefits from all the useful information it provides and makes an effort to use the knowledge whenever necessary.
Want to bring medical Spanish to your institution? Click here.