CanopyLearn Commenting Feature
Now in CanopyLearn, users can leave comments in the chat for any lesson or module so that they can:
- Ask and answer questions related to the material
- Establish an online community of learners
- Create a group learning atmosphere
How it Works:
Simply open the “Comments” section, and write in your comment below (see screenshot):
Then other learners or Canopy team members can respond to your comments, and you can respond to theirs!
With our new commenting feature, you have the power to work through your medical Spanish course with the help of your fellow learners, making for a more fluid and reinforced learning experience.
It also gives you the opportunity to help others get through the material smoothly and efficiently while you reinforce what you know!
Sign in to your profile here to jump back into CanopyLearn today and start using this powerful new feature!
The Canopy Team